Category: process
You know, like, kind of
This adventure into the properties of the letter “K” was a much deeper investigation than I anticipated. Like, grab your Scooby snacks, gang, we’ve got a mystery to solve.
Schrödinger’s bug
Many believe that the Schrödinbug is impossible. But believing that something is impossible isn’t always enough to prevent it happening…
Lazy problem solving
Sometimes, if you are lazy enough, you can get a solution without having to do all the working out
Thinking fast, testing slow
How my brother outsmarted a Nobel Prize winning academic and best selling author
Unity CSV import and export
I recently had a need to exchange data between the Unity game engine and spreadsheet software. The simplest common format supported by most spreadsheet programs is CSV (Comma Separated Values.) I had assumed that this would be such a common thing to do it would be built into either the .NET or Unity libraries. It…
Spot the different
It was Ludum Dare last weekend. I was running my code club so I set the theme, “one room,” as a challenge for my club members. I usually do this when the competition comes around, but I think this is the first time one of my club members has taken up the challenge and completed…
Fixing PAYE
Debugging the installation of my HMRC PAYE software wasn’t something I planned for my Saturday evening. But with the first payment of the new tax year due next week I thought I’d make a quick submission to get it out of the way before the bank holiday. But the transition to the new year didn’t…
Croydon Central Library Code Club
As you can see from the large hole in my post history, I’ve been a little busy for past couple of years. Of course, this is no excuse. I’m just as busy now, if not more so. But I’m going to put more effort into regularly updating this blog. Code Club is one of the…
That’s not what I had in mind
I’ve recently noticed that I frequently hold nonsensical ideas in my mind. Often these are pure contradictions. Merely attempting to describe these is enough to discover the problems. But there are also times where only the realisation of the ideas can break the illusion.